Solicitation Development

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Play
  3. Documents
  4. Guidelines
  5. Others

1. Overview

In this subprocess, we deal with the process of developing,, reviewing, and distributing the Solicitation..

Organization: ORG

All-Files. These are all the view files.

2. Play

In this subprocess, the play is divided in several parts:

  1. Administrative Tools. This is where participants utilize common operations
  2. Register Key Players. This is where the key players are registered.
  3. Guidelines Development. This is where the guidelines for Solicitation development are created.
  4. Topic Development. This is where topics are developed.
  5. Front End Development. This is where the front-end of the Solicitation is developed.
  6. Solicitation Review and Approval. This is where the Solicitation is reviewed and approved.
  7. Solicitation Distribution and Outreach. This is where the Solicitation is distributed and public outreach is performed.
  8. Analysis. This is where participants use report tools.

3. Documents

In this subprocess, we have the following document types:

Registrations. These are used to represent user Registrations.
Guidelines. These are used to represent Flight Project Guidelines.
Topics. These are used to represent Flight Project Topics.
Front-End. These are used to represent Solicitation Front-Ends.
Pre-Solicitation. These are used to represent Libraries.
Pre-Solicitation Reviews and Approvals. These are used to represent Flight Project Pre-Solicitations.
Pre-Solicitation Public Comments. These are used to represent Flight Project Pre-Solicitation Public Comments.
Solicitation. These are used to represent Solicitations.
Solicitation Reviews and Approvals. These are used to represent Solicitation Reviews and Approvals.
Outreach Records. These are used to represent Outreach Records.

4. Guidelines

In this subprocess, we have the following Guidelines:

Solicitation Development Manager. This is the manager of the Solicitation Development subprocess.
Program Manager. This is the manager of all the program.
Mission Directorate Representative. This is the Mission Directorate Representative of the program.
Field Center Program Manager. This is the Field Center Program Manager of the program.
Field Center Advisor-Technology Manager. This is the Field Center Advisor-Technology Manager of the program.
Lead Topic Manager. This is the Lead Topic Manager of the program.
Participating Topic Manager. This is the Participating Topic Manager of the program.
Mission Advisor. This is the Mission Advisor of the program.
Potential Customer Representative. This is the Potential Customer Representative of the program.
Procurement Manager. This is the Procurement Manager of the program.
Organization Manager. This is the manager of all the organization.
Overall Organizations Manager. This is the person managing the overall Organizations.

5. Others

In this subprocess, we have the following other tools:

Worksheet. This is the guidelines for the manager/director.
Credits. These are the people partaking in this organization's production.
References. These are other references.
All-Files. These are all the view files.


Mockup (html)
Implementation (html)


Name- Phone-Email (mailto-hyperlink)


Title- Author- Library (html)